Saturday, November 16, 2013

A good read :)

CLICK HERE for full article of the scientist who had sex to pay for her PhD! :)

Couple of highlights from the article! :)

"It makes sense. There are few jobs you can work while going to school full-time that can truly help you pay for an education. (Read the claim by "Freakonomics" authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner that prostitution can get you the most buck for your bang.)"

"The jig is up. Belle de Jour, the former prostitute behind the popular column "Diary of a London Call Girl" and TV series "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" is really British research scientist Dr. Brooke Magnanti, 34. Dr. Magnanti gave the oldest reason for turning to the oldest profession -- to pay for her PhD. "

In the meantime... if you're looking for a good cause/student to support... and like M.I.L.F.'s, I'm looking forward to meeting you! I think our London friend is retired!

Gratefully Yours,

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